The lector is someone who has a love for the Word of God, and has the vocal and feeling capabilities to proclaim that Word in a way that will engage the listening assembly and enhance their understanding of the Scriptures. Commitment Expected: Annual workshop; once every six weeks, at weekend liturgy of choice, as well as feasts and sacraments. Please contact Michelle R. for more information.
Eucharistic ministers serve our community at the table of the Lord, and in so doing, act as a witness of faith and hope in the love, power and promise of the Holy Eucharist. Commitment Expected: Annual workshop; 2-3 times a month, at weekend liturgy of choice, as well as special feasts and sacraments. We are always in need of more Eucharistic Ministers, as 45 are needed each weekend! Confirmed youth are encouraged to join. Please contact Carla S. for more information.
Altar servers are responsible young people who wish to serve at liturgy by assisting the priest. They are trained and scheduled and perform their role with sincere devotion and respect. Commitment expected: initial training and once every 4-5 weeks at liturgy. Contact Deacon Bob May for more information.
The usher team serves by unobtrusively and hospitably acting as "floor managers" for our "family" celebrations. They help seat people, assist in the collection, choose those to bring down the gifts, pass out bulletins, etc. Commitment: Two or three times a month, at weekend liturgy of choice as well as some feasts and sacramental celebrations. Currently, we have a real need for more ushers. Contact Joe Pancik.